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Provisioning Infrastructure

The DJ Starter Project is designed to easily be deployed to AWS. We provide files that easily allow you to spin up the AWS infrastructure necessary to deploy the application.


The following tools must be installed to be able to provision AWS infrastructure. Please note that if you used our laptop script to setup your computer, you likely have these tools installed already.

  • Terraform for managing infrastructure and provisioning it.
  • AWS Cli for storing your AWS credentials for terraform to use.

Quick Start

In order to start provisioning your infrastructure we need to initialize terraform. Before getting started, make sure you have AWS cli installed and the shift3 profile configured.

aws configure --profile shift3

Once we have the shift3 profile configured we need to initialize terraform. This is the first command that should be runl after writing a new Terraform configuration or cloning an existing one from version control. It is safe to run this command multiple times.

terraform init

Next we need to create a staging workspace. Workspaces allow you to manage multiple sets of infrastructure. Commonly we use staging and prod. This project provides a staging setup out of the box, so lets set up our staging servers.

terraform workspace new staging

Now we can preview the infrastructure terraform will want to spin up by using the plan command.

terraform plan -var-file=$(terraform workspace show).tfvars

Finally, if the plan looks good, we can tell terraform to apply the plan and provision actual infrastructure

terraform apply -var-file=$(terraform workspace show).tfvars

Updating Staging or Prod Infrastructure

First make sure you are on the correct workspace that you want to update.

# Check current workspaces
terraform workspace list

# If we need to change workspaces
terraform workspace select <desired-workspace>

Simply make your modifications and run plan and apply again.

# Preview the changes to be made.
terraform plan -var-file=$(terraform workspace show).tfvars

# Look good? Apply the changes to your infrastructure
terraform apply -var-file=$(terraform workspace show).tfvars