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Deploying to AWS

The Django Starter Project comes with a complete CircleCI configuration, as well as some useful scripts that make deployment a breeze. The project is designed to be deployed automatically via CircleCI.

Setup CircleCI

Applications are deployed automatically by CircleCI when commits are pushed to develop or main. Make sure CircleCI is setup on your project by visiting the CircleCI dashboard for your project.

  • Commits to the develop branch are automatically deployed to the Staging environment.
  • Commits to the main branch are automatically deployed to the Production environment.

Set CircleCI Environment Variables

In order for automatic deploys to work, your CircleCI must be setup with the correct environment variables.

The easy way

We include a script that pulls the necessary environment variables from your terraform state, and uploads them to CircleCI for you. In order to run it, you will need to have already provisioned your terraform infrastructure, setup the project on CircleCI, and created a CircleCI API token. Once your have retrieved your CircleCI API token, simply run the following command, replacing the values for CIRCLECI_TOKEN and PROJECT_NAME with your own.

CIRCLECI_TOKEN=my-api-token PROJECT_NAME=my-project scripts/

Depending on your current terraform workspace the script will show you what environment variables you will need, and will ask you if it's ok to set them on CircleCI.

After the script works, you can make a push to develop for staging, or main for production, to start a deploy process and make sure everything works.

The manual way

The following environment variables are required to be set within the CircleCI Project Settings. Descriptions (and example values) of the environment variables follow:

    • The name of your project. This variable will be used to tag your docker image file. A safe name would be to use the same name as your git repository. Cannot contain spaces.
    • my-project
    • The AWS access key ID used to authenticate with AWS.
    • The AWS secret key used to authenticate with AWS.
    • The default region your infrastructure is deployed to.
    • us-west-2
    • The ECR (Elastic Container Repository) account url. This will be used to store the docker images that are built for production and staging.
    • The ECR repository name, this can be found in the AWS console.
    • my-project-ecr-repo
    • The EB (Elastic Beanstalk) environment name, this can be found in the AWS console.
    • my-project-api-webserver
    • The EB application name, this can be found in the AWS console.
    • my-project
    • When using AWS AssumeRole (as bitwise does for AWS infastructure in our accounts). You must set this environment variable. When deploying to infrastructure outside of bitwise infrastructure, this variable is optional. The example value is the value you should use on bitwise infrastructure.
    • arn:aws:iam::008036621198:role/SuperDevAssumeRole

Once all of these are setup, commits to the develop branch should automatically deploy to your staging infrastructure. For more details on the deployment process, or if you need to customize it to fit your needs, check out the .cirleci/config.yml file.

Deploying to Production

Production deploys from the main branch, and uses the same set of environment variables as staging just with PRODUCTION instead of STAGING in the names. The list of those variables follow: