Project Board Setup

Standards and Practices for Bitwise Industries

Project Board Setup

Take your SOW (Statement of Work) and identify:

  1. Feature Sets
  2. Epics
  3. Issues

Once you Have these:

  1. Create a project board tied to each Epic.
    In some projects, Epics will be exactly copied from Feature Sets, but this won’t always be the case.
  2. Inside each project board, use GitHub’s automation settings to make the project automated KANBAN style.
  3. Create an additional project board to track the others (one board to rule them all!) as follows:

    • Create a note for each of your epics/project boards
    • Make a markdown link in each note to the corresponding project board
  4. Open as many issues as you need to complete each epic.
    Remember: follow Bitwise’s branching guide when you start working on these issues.

Example from Shift3:

Sinclair Project Boards